Magic Lantern Firmware Wiki

Take pictures or movies at fixed intervals.

You can stop the intervalometer by rotating the mode dial, by pressing MENU or PLAY, or by turning off the camera.

Settings (in submenu):[]

  • Duration between two shots.
  • Start delay (up to 8 hours).
  • Stop after X pictures.
  • In movie mode only: duration of a movie clip.


  • To avoid flicker, shoot in manual mode, use manual white balanceavoid short exposure times and use a manual lens (if you use an EF lens, lock the aperture and unscrew it).
  • To make a timelapse without increasing shutter count, do not use the intervalometer; instead, set FPS override to a very low value (for example, 3fps) and start recording.
  • When using the intervalometer in LiveView with noisy mode, your shutter will wear twice as fast than outside LiveView.
  • If the intervalometer can't be stopped (it may happen in crazy mode), turn the camera off or open the card door.
  • Adjust your auto-off setting to longer than your timelapse interval the camera will turn off before the second shot.

Power Saving:[]

  • When not in LiveView, press DISP or INFO to turn the display off.
  • In LiveView, ML will turn the display and the sensor off during idle times if you enable this option from Powersave menu.
  • While the intervalometer is running, the card led will blink once per second to let you know it's alive and kicking.