550D: Tracing function CreateBinarySemaphore at 0xFF069D10:
Function call line | Called from: func <addr> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('AdapterSem', 1) | sub_FF01C848 <0xFF01C8E4> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('AllocateBmpVram', 1) | sub_FF01353C <0xFF0135C8> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('AllocateBmpVram', 1) | handleGuiInit <0xFF0962E4> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('ALVFactorySemSignature', 0) | ALV_Initialize <0xFF1AC928> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('ALVIntervalSemSignature', 1) | ALV_Initialize <0xFF1AC8F8> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('CameraSettingProp', 0) | PROP_SetCameraSettingProperty <0xFF1B600C> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('CameraSettingProp', 0) | PROP_GetCameraSettingProperty <0xFF1B5D64> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('CameraSettingProp', 0) | sub_FF1B59DC <0xFF1B5A78> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('CardNoiseChk', 0) | fssDummyWrite <0xFF0A025C> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('CardServiceMgr', 1) | CardServiceMGR_Initialize <0xFF384FF0> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('Catalog', 1) | _FC_PrepareCatalog <0xFF186E74> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('Ceres', 0) | <0xFF03DDB4> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('CFDMADriver', 0) | sub_FF416468 <0xFF4164A8> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('CFSemExclusive', 1) | CF_DeviceCreate <0xFF3EBD04> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('CFSemInterrupt', 0) | CF_DeviceCreate <0xFF3EBCF0> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('cmdSemaphore', 0) | sub_FF1EF3D4 <0xFF1EF428> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('cmdSemaphore', 0) | sht_mem1develop <0xFF1ECB08> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('cmdSemaphore', 0) | sub_FF1EF7A4 <0xFF1EF810> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('DefmSemaphore', 0) | create_hivshd_defm_sems <0xFF27F598> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('devInitSemaphore', 0) | sub_FF29FF7C <0xFF29FF9C> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('devInitSemaphore', 0) | sub_FF29E424 <0xFF29E458> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('devInitSemaphore', 0) | YUVdevInit <0xFF351140> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('DPDpsSem', 0) | DP_Create <0xFF0CAF40> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('DPDustReductionSem', 0) | DP_Create <0xFF0CAF54> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('DPFileSem', 0) | DP_Create <0xFF0CAF18> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('DPImgPlaySem', 0) | DP_Create <0xFF0CAF2C> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('DPSem', 0) | DP_Create <0xFF0CAF04> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('EDmacAbortSemaphore', 0) | FACE]CreateResLockEntry <0xFF29F6BC> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('EdmacSemaphore', 0) | edmac_kaiser_sems <0xFF3516D8> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('FaReleaseSemaphore', 0) | sub_FF08FBAC <0xFF08FBC4> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('FaTestImageSemaphore', 0) | sub_FF08FBAC <0xFF08FBD8> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('Fcreate', 0) | sub_FF02239C <0xFF022444> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('FileJob', 0) | FJOB_SyncCancel <0xFF185210> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('FileJob', 1) | FJOB_Create <0xFF184EB8> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('FileMgr', 0) | FM_Initialize <0xFF042730> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('FileMgr', 1) | FM_Initialize <0xFF0426F0> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('FileMgr', 1) | FM_Initialize <0xFF042714> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('FmCopy', 0) | fmLaunchCopyFile <0xFF16ABB4> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('fmDecrypto', 0) | fmdInitializeDecrypt <0xFF16B07C> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('fmDecrypto', 1) | fmdInitializeDecrypt <0xFF16B0A0> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('Fwrite', 0) | fwCreate <0xFF183DB0> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('HivshdSemaphore', 0) | create_hivshd_defm_sems <0xFF27F584> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('HivshdSemaphore', 0) | sub_FF34AD10 <0xFF34AD5C> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('HPCopy', 0) | sub_FF06E630 <0xFF06E670> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('hResLockJpegSemaphore', 1) | sub_FF1F2BDC <0xFF1F2BFC> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('hResLockYuvSemaphore', 1) | sub_FF1F2BDC <0xFF1F2BE8> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('InitSemaphore', 0) | SUB_init_resources <0xFF29CBAC> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('InitSemaphore', 0) | OB_init_maybe <0xFF29C2E0> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('InitSemaphore', 0) | defm_init <0xFF2A0958> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('InitSemaphore', 0) | defc_init_res <0xFF352584> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('InitSemaphore', 0) | lvcaeInit <0xFF0FC8B0> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('InitSemaphore', 0) | OPE_Init <0xFF353F88> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('InitSemaphore', 0) | DEFD_init_res <0xFF353588> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('IPCCom', 1) | create_ipccom_sem <0xFF2DFEE0> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('ipcForEMI', 0) | ipcForEMI <0xFF1D2308> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('IPCMaster', 0) | create_ipcmaster_sem <0xFF2E03A8> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('IPCSlave', 0) | sub_FF2E088C <0xFF2E08B4> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('IPCTask', 0) | InitializeIPCMasterTask <0xFF1D132C> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('IPCTask', 0) | InitializeIPCSlaveTask <0xFF1D1510> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('JobClass', 0) | <0xFF0AB840> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('JobClass', 0) | <0xFF0AB858> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('JobClass', 0) | InitializeJobClass <0xFF0AB478> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('JobClass', 0) | InitializeJobClass <0xFF0AB490> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('JobClass', 0) | <0xFF0AB6D4> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('JobClass', 0) | <0xFF0AB6EC> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('JobListClass', 1) | create_joblistclass_sem <0xFF2E49AC> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('KaisercSemaphore', 0) | edmac_kaiser_sems <0xFF3516E8> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('LogFile', 1) | sub_FF1D723C <0xFF1D7270> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('LVAEGeroBankSemaphore', 1) | sub_FF10DEE4 <0xFF10E10C> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('MovEditor', 0) | moveLaunchEditMovie <0xFF43C418> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('MoviePlayFuncSemaphore', 0) | sub_FF0491A0 <0xFF0492C8> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('MoviePlaySoundSemaphore', 1) | sub_FF0491A0 <0xFF049468> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('MoviePlaySyncSemaphore', 0) | sub_FF0491A0 <0xFF0492F8> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('MoviePlayVramSemaphore', 1) | sub_FF0491A0 <0xFF049438> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('MovReader', 0) | MOVR_InitializeMovReader <0xFF16E98C> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('MovReader', 1) | MOVR_InitializeMovReader <0xFF16E95C> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('Mrk', 0) | CreateMrkFileObj <0xFF16843C> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('Mrk', 0) | WaitMrkFileObject <0xFF1663BC> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('MrkState', 0) | GetFileBuffer <0xFF265150> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('NotifyList', 1) | FC_NotifyClient <0xFF1965C8> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('NotifyList', 1) | FC_RegisterHandleCallback <0xFF19649C> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('PollingADCSemaphore', 0) | sub_FF2DF898 <0xFF2DF8E4> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('PollingADCSemaphore', 0) | PollingADCSemaphore <0xFF2DF75C> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('PropSem', 0) | sub_FF05706C <0xFF05714C> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('PtpAccsStoreData', 1) | PtpWaitStoreData <0xFF1332E0> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('PtpAccsStoreData', 1) | ptpTrsSendImageData <0xFF1335D4> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('PtpDpsMgrSyncSem', 1) | PtpDpsMgrSyncSem <0xFF03A104> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('PtpEvtListAccsSem', 1) | create_PtpDpsState <0xFF12CDC0> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('PtpEvtListAccsSem', 1) | PtpEvtCreateEventList <0xFF1265F8> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('PtpReSizeJpegSem', 0) | sub_FF12AAFC <0xFF12AB40> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('PtpTransListAccs', 1) | sub_FF142470 <0xFF1424A8> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('PtpViewFinderData', 1) | PtpViewFinderDataSendComplete <0xFF132EDC> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('PtpViewFinderData', 1) | sub_FF142470 <0xFF14247C> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('ReDevelop', 0) | sub_FF0394D0 <0xFF039570> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('ReDevelop', 0) | sub_FF0394D0 <0xFF039594> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('Rtom Sem', 1) | sub_FF132B4C <0xFF132B90> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('Sdcom', 0) | sdcomInitializeInterrupt <0xFF33C7F0> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('SdcomDrv', 0) | sdcomDrvInitializeInterrupt <0xFF3E02C0> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('SdioDrv', 1) | InitializeSDIODriver <0xFF1447C8> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('SDSemExclusive', 1) | SD_DeviceCreate <0xFF3F19D4> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('SDSemInterrupt', 0) | SD_DeviceCreate <0xFF3F19C0> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('SemAemode', 0) | sub_FF07C52C <0xFF07C570> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('Semaphore', 0) | FrontDevelop__sdsActivate <0xFF08B530> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('SemMnSS', 0) | guiSyncAllocateContinuousMemoryResource <0xFF20FF60> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('SetupFile', 0) | camera_setup <0xFF163534> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('SetupFile', 0) | camera_setup <0xFF163560> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('SetupFile', 0) | GetFileList <0xFF163FC0> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('SetupFile', 0) | GetFileList <0xFF163FEC> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('SrmCalc', 0) | SRM_IsAutoChangeEnable <0xFF02C678> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('SrmCalc', 0) | SRM_CalcAvailMovieOnCondition <0xFF02C75C> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('SrmCalc', 0) | SRM_CalcAvailShotOnCondition <0xFF02C5AC> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('SrmSem', 0) | sub_FF027D58 <0xFF02810C> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('StorageTimer', 0) | create_storage_timer <0xFF3905CC> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('SyncSem', 1) | sub_FF1D870C <0xFF1D873C> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('TestSemaphore', 0) | sub_FF1FA0C8 <0xFF1FA11C> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('TOMgr', 0) | TOM_Initialize <0xFF041758> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('TOMgr', 0) | TOM_Initialize <0xFF04177C> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('USBHPTimer', 0) | USBHPTimer <0xFF1ACDDC> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('Voice', 0) | VOI_Initialize <0xFF16C78C> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('VoiceFact', 0) | FA_RecordSound <0xFF16D64C> |
CreateBinarySemaphore('VoiceStop', 0) | VOI_Initialize <0xFF16C7D0> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(*(0x1E740), 1) | sub_FF2C9104 <0xFF2C9160> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(*(0x1E740), 1) | sub_FF2C9254 <0xFF2C92F4> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(*(0x1FD58), 1) | <0xFF2DFC44> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(*(0x5B38), 0) | MVT_Initialize <0xFF17B49C> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(*(0x5B44), 0) | GERO_Initialize <0xFF1824CC> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(*(4 + MEM(4 + sp0)), 1) | sub_FF1D90C8 <0xFF1D90F8> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(*(7776), 0) | sub_FF04AA5C <0xFF04ABD8> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(*(unk_R8), 0) | GetSyncSemaphore <0xFF1D88A8> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | sub_FF299910 <0xFF299A04> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | FA_SecDifficult <0xFF19F1C0> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | PreDevelop_spsActivate <0xFF084E1C> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | Regist_RPC_Handler <0xFF1F3E4C> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | ptp_handler_912d <0xFF1279B4> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | CreateResLockEntry <0xFF1C40B8> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | sub_FF19F5A8 <0xFF19F864> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | sub_FF1F2B30 <0xFF1F2B3C> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | faSetProperty <0xFF08F114> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | FA_SetLvProjectionMode <0xFF091894> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | sub_FF19F5A8 <0xFF19F9C4> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | g62 <0xFF036CAC> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | sbsInit <0xFF0810C4> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | GeneProjectionG_Ex <0xFF330ED0> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | faGetProperty <0xFF08F3D0> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | <0xFF091AFC> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | sub_FF228ED8 <0xFF228F00> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | sub_FF0FE370 <0xFF0FE3D8> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | scsInit <0xFF07DF14> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | sub_FF066438 <0xFF066520> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | scsInit <0xFF07DF30> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | sub_FF1A1114 <0xFF1A11B0> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | sbsInit <0xFF0810E0> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | scsInit <0xFF07DF48> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | MAC_Initialize <0xFF19DB90> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | sub_FF0340B4 <0xFF034164> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | lvInit <0xFF0E743C> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | GetResource <0xFF0E8BD0> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | sub_FF0340B4 <0xFF034140> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | sub_FF1A1114 <0xFF1A1188> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | sub_FF229184 <0xFF22919C> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | FA_SecDifficult <0xFF19F0F0> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | sub_FF0340B4 <0xFF0341A4> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | FA_SetDefaultSetting_0 <0xFF229BA8> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | FA_SetDefaultSetting <0xFF08F9B0> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | sub_FF08E394 <0xFF08E3D0> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | sub_FF19F5A8 <0xFF19F84C> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | GetResource <0xFF0E8FC8> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 0) | GeneProjectionEx <0xFF332354> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 1) | sub_FF068000 <0xFF068058> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 1) | sub_FF06DF08 <0xFF06DF20> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 1) | sub_FF3E1434 <0xFF3E149C> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 1) | MDET]Start_MotionDetectResize <0xFF293964> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 1) | sub_FF24DB68 <0xFF24DB98> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 1) | MDET]Start_MotionDetectCompare <0xFF293DA8> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 1) | InitializeAviReader <0xFF170D4C> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0, 1) | sub_FF1C3F98 <0xFF1C3FA4> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(0xFF2B5C20, 0) | sub_FF2B59AC <0xFF2B59C8> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(arg0, 1) | voi_create_sem <0xFF26A784> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(arg0, arg1) | create_binary_semaphore <0xFF06E224> |
CreateBinarySemaphore(unk_R8, 1) | sub_FF1D93CC <0xFF1D94C8> |
Tracing function voi_create_sem at 0xFF26A77C:
Function call line | Called from: func <addr> |
voi_create_sem('Voice', ret_AllocateMemory_FF16C6AC /* points to 'Voice' */ , 0, ret_CreateMessageQueue_FF16C820) | VOI_Initialize <0xFF16CA2C> |
Tracing function create_binary_semaphore at 0xFF06E204:
Function call line | Called from: func <addr> |
create_binary_semaphore('BusResetSemaphore', 1, *(0x223C), arg3) | InitializeUSBDriver <0xFF054A68> |
create_binary_semaphore('DiUSB20CP', 0, arg2, arg3) | DeleteControlPipe <0xFF1AD114> |
create_binary_semaphore('DiUSB20CP', 1, 92, arg3) | sub_FF1AD058 <0xFF1AD07C> |
create_binary_semaphore('DiUSB20DP', 0, arg2, arg3) | DeleteDataPipe <0xFF1AFB90> |
create_binary_semaphore('DiUSB20DP', 1, 88, arg3) | sub_FF1AF9A4 <0xFF1AF9E4> |
create_binary_semaphore('FCLKSem', 1, *(0x71B4), arg3) | sub_FF1C3AE0 <0xFF1C3B2C> |
create_binary_semaphore('GPClk0', 1, arg2, arg3) | sub_FF1DAD70 <0xFF1DAD90> |
create_binary_semaphore('GPClk1', 1, unk_R2, unk_R3) | <0xFF1DAFA8> |
create_binary_semaphore('IPCClock', 1, arg2, arg3) | IPCClock <0xFF1DAC48> |
create_binary_semaphore('NRESETAndLCLKSem', 1, *(0x71B4), arg3) | sub_FF1C3AE0 <0xFF1C3B1C> |
create_binary_semaphore('OriginalMemorySuite', 1, 96, arg3) | sub_FF06BB8C <0xFF06BBC4> |
create_binary_semaphore('PTPCommandManagerSemaphore', 1, arg2, arg3) | PTPCommandManager <0xFF250A64> |
create_binary_semaphore('PTPEventCoordinatorSemaphore', 1, arg2, arg3) | PTPEventCoordinator <0xFF1261AC> |
create_binary_semaphore('PTPHddOpTransSemaphore', 1, ret_sub_FF06E3F0_FF25B3A0, arg3) | PTPHddOpTrans <0xFF25B3E8> |
create_binary_semaphore('PTPOpCoordinatorSem', 1, arg2, arg3) | PTPOpCoordinator <0xFF24F0EC> |
create_binary_semaphore('PTPOpTransSemaphore', 1, ret_sub_FF06E3F0_FF251DF8, arg3) | PTPOpTrans <0xFF251E40> |
create_binary_semaphore('PTPPropertyManagerSemaphore', 1, 0, arg3) | PTPPropertyManager <0xFF2503AC> |
create_binary_semaphore('PTPSdioOpTransSemaphore', 1, ret_sub_FF06E3F0_FF2577CC, arg3) | PTPSdioOpTrans <0xFF257814> |
create_binary_semaphore('PTPSessionSemaphore', 1, 255, arg3) | sub_FF124338 <0xFF124398> |
create_binary_semaphore('PTPtoFAPI_EventProcSem', 1, '[PTPtoFAPI]ExecuteEventProc', unk_R3) | [PTPtoFAPI]ExecuteEventProc <0xFF22E178> |
create_binary_semaphore('PTPTransportManager', 1, arg2, arg3) | sub_FF24DE84 <0xFF24DEB0> |
create_binary_semaphore('RingHeap', 1, arg2, arg3) | sub_FF1D5548 <0xFF1D5568> |
create_binary_semaphore('SdioDrv', 0, arg2, arg3) | sdioDrvExecSyncFunction <0xFF144F38> |
create_binary_semaphore('SdioDrv', 1, 84, arg3) | OpenSDIODataPipe <0xFF144A58> |
create_binary_semaphore(*(0x1E790), 1, 8, arg3) | sub_FF2CE32C <0xFF2CE36C> |
create_binary_semaphore(*(0x6A8C), 1, arg2, arg3) | sub_FF1BC9DC <0xFF1BCA04> |
create_binary_semaphore(*(16 + unk_LR), 1, arg2, arg3) | sub_FF2B823C <0xFF2B8264> |
create_binary_semaphore(*(24 + MEM(20 + sp0)), 0, ret_F8600000_FF2E3280, 1 + ret_F87EFFFF_FF2E3278) | ROM_Manager <0xFF2E32EC> |
create_binary_semaphore(*(4 + MEM(20 + sp0)), 1, ret_F8600000_FF2E3280, 1 + ret_F87EFFFF_FF2E3278) | ROM_Manager <0xFF2E32DC> |
create_binary_semaphore(*(7788), 0, 0, 0x2000) | sub_FF04C538 <0xFF04C60C> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, *(0x1EC8), arg2, arg3) | sub_FF05236C <0xFF0523A8> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 0, '(PUB) InitializeImagePlayer %d', 0x476) | InitializeImagePlayer <0xFF28AF1C> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 0, '< GUI Lock > InitializeGUILock (PUB)', arg3) | sub_FF02126C <0xFF0212BC> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 0, '\xdc\x08', 0) | sub_FF1C26D8 <0xFF1C277C> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 0, 'DEC SetParameterDecodeJpeg %d', 0x93) | DEC_SetParameterDecodeJpeg <0xFF283938> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 0, 'GuiStartGraphics (PUB)', arg3) | GuiStartGraphics <0xFF1F575C> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 0, 'InitializeAviReader : CreateBinarySemaphore', unk_LR) | InitializeAviReader <0xFF170D88> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 0, 'InitializeSoundDevice', arg3) | InitializeSoundDevice <0xFF053660> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 0, 'TWIN EngineStop EngineCB: 0x%lX', *(0x1DD58)) | TWIN_EngineStop <0xFF291560> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 0, *(0x1EC8), arg3) | sub_FF05236C <0xFF0523C0> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 0, @micDetectAckCBR, 0) | InitializeAudioIC <0xFF0647AC> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 0, arg2, arg3) | sub_FF064FD8 <0xFF065008> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 0, arg2, arg3) | sub_FF1BBE28 <0xFF1BBE58> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 0, arg2, arg3) | sub_FF1BBE28 <0xFF1BBE68> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 0, arg2, arg3) | sub_FF072464 <0xFF0724A8> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 0, arg2, arg3) | LVC_FACE <0xFF038F04> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 0, arg2, arg3) | sounddev_task <0xFF053484> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 0, arg2, arg3) | sub_FF064FD8 <0xFF065028> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 0, arg2, arg3) | sub_FF072190 <0xFF0721E0> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 0, arg2, arg3) | sub_FF064FD8 <0xFF064FE4> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 0, arg2, arg3) | sub_FF064FD8 <0xFF064FF8> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 0, unk_R2, unk_R3) | <0xFF1D45E8> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 0, unk_R2, unk_R3) | <0xFF038F8C> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 1, ' (PUB) InitializeImagePlayDriver %d', 2002) | InitializeImagePlayDriver <0xFF1A60FC> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 1, '(PUB) InitializeImagePlayer %d', 0x476) | InitializeImagePlayer <0xFF28AF0C> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 1, '< GUI Lock > InitializeGUILock (PUB)', arg3) | sub_FF02126C <0xFF02129C> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 1, '< GUI Lock > InitializeGUILock (PUB)', arg3) | sub_FF02126C <0xFF0212AC> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 1, 'InitializeSoundDevice', arg3) | InitializeSoundDevice <0xFF053670> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 1, 'LVCPF_Initialize', 0) | LVCPF_Initialize <0xFF11EECC> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 1, 0, 3) | sub_FF251380 <0xFF251428> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 1, 0, @ImagePlayDriverTask) | InitializeImagePlayDriver <0xFF1A6128> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 1, 0, @ImagePlayDriverTask) | InitializeImagePlayDriver <0xFF1A6138> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 1, 0x56FC, 3) | sub_FF131208 <0xFF1312B8> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 1, 0x9A, unk_R3) | <0xFF1D465C> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 1, 115, arg3) | sub_FF1D44F8 <0xFF1D4564> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 1, 8 + ret_alloc_dma_memory_FF051834 /* points to 0 */ , unk_LR) | InitializeASIF_FPriority <0xFF051890> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 1, arg2, arg3) | sub_FF064FD8 <0xFF065018> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 1, arg2, arg3) | sub_FF064FD8 <0xFF065038> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 1, arg2, arg3) | sub_FF1BBE28 <0xFF1BBE78> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 1, arg2, arg3) | DryShell <0xFF071770> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 1, arg2, arg3) | sub_FF064FD8 <0xFF065048> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 1, arg2, arg3) | sub_FF072190 <0xFF0721C0> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 1, arg2, arg3) | sub_FF072190 <0xFF0721D0> |
create_binary_semaphore(0, 1, unk_R2, unk_R3) | <0xFF1D45D8> |
create_binary_semaphore(0xFF06089C, 0, arg2, arg3) | sub_FF060944 <0xFF060964> |
create_binary_semaphore(0xFF06089C, 0, arg2, arg3) | sub_FF060944 <0xFF060950> |
create_binary_semaphore(0xFF061B64, 0, 'InitializeDisplayDeviceController', arg3) | InitializeDisplayDeviceController <0xFF061C1C> |
create_binary_semaphore(0xFF061B64, 0, 'InitializeDisplayDeviceController', arg3) | InitializeDisplayDeviceController <0xFF061C0C> |
create_binary_semaphore(0xFF090648, 0, arg2, arg3) | sub_FF090494 <0xFF0904AC> |
create_binary_semaphore(0xFF1CBB10, 0, 'I2C_Init', arg3) | I2C_Init <0xFF1CB934> |
create_binary_semaphore(0xFF1CBB10, 1, 'I2C_Init', arg3) | I2C_Init <0xFF1CB950> |
create_binary_semaphore(0xFF282944, 0, arg2, arg3) | sub_FF2826B0 <0xFF2826C0> |
create_binary_semaphore(0xFF283BD4, 0, arg2, arg3) | sub_FF28394C <0xFF28395C> |
create_binary_semaphore(0xFF285208, 0, arg2, arg3) | sub_FF284FA4 <0xFF284FB4> |
create_binary_semaphore(0xFF285B84, 0, arg2, arg3) | sub_FF2857D8 <0xFF2857E8> |
create_binary_semaphore(0xFF286B30, 0, arg2, arg3) | sub_FF286818 <0xFF286828> |
create_binary_semaphore(0xFF2873C4, 0, arg2, arg3) | sub_FF287100 <0xFF287110> |
create_binary_semaphore(0xFF288DD8, 0, arg2, arg3) | sub_FF288C74 <0xFF288C84> |
create_binary_semaphore(0xFF292984, 0, arg2, arg3) | sub_FF2928C0 <0xFF2928D0> |
create_binary_semaphore(0xFF29577C, 0, arg2, arg3) | sub_FF2953D0 <0xFF2953E0> |
R0 | R1 | Called from: func <addr> |
AdaptFGTest | 0 | AJ_register_func_rmtRelease_rmtSaveToPC_AdaptFGTest <0xFF827374> |
CheckSumOfProgramArea | 0 | AJ_register_func_LoadsOfEm <0xFF81DB94> |
DisableBootDisk | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls2_to_register_func <0xFF86AC38> |
DisableCardNoiseChk | 0 | AJ_register_func_CardNoise_related <0xFF8253A4> |
DisableFirmware | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls2_to_register_func <0xFF86AC18> |
DisableMainFirm | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls2_to_register_func <0xFF86AC5C> |
DpMR | 0 | AJ_register_func_VramToYuv422B_VramToBmp_DpSetDustReduction_etc <0xFF8C35B8> |
DpSetDebugMode | 0 | AJ_register_func_VramToYuv422B_VramToBmp_DpSetDustReduction_etc <0xFF8C3588> |
DpSetDetectFaceMode | 0 | AJ_register_func_VramToYuv422B_VramToBmp_DpSetDustReduction_etc <0xFF8C3598> |
DpSetDustReduction | 0 | AJ_register_func_VramToYuv422B_VramToBmp_DpSetDustReduction_etc <0xFF8C35A8> |
DumpAudioIcRegister | 0 | TH_audio_ic_initialize <0xFF859A2C> |
EP_Lvaf_DisableLog | 0 | AJ_register_func_EP_Lvcaf_related <0xFFA0C390> |
EP_Lvaf_EnableLog | 0 | AJ_register_func_EP_Lvcaf_related <0xFFA0C37C> |
EP_Lvcaf_PcfgBitSelect | 0 | AJ_register_func_EP_Lvcaf_related <0xFFA0C35C> |
EP_Lvcaf_PcfgEnable | 0 | AJ_register_func_EP_Lvcaf_related <0xFFA0C33C> |
EP_Lvcaf_PcfgRotate | 0 | AJ_register_func_EP_Lvcaf_related <0xFFA0C34C> |
EP_Lvcaf_PcfgSelIntrMask | 0 | AJ_register_func_EP_Lvcaf_related <0xFFA0C36C> |
EnableBootDisk | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls2_to_register_func <0xFF86AC28> |
EnableCardNoiseChk | 0 | AJ_register_func_CardNoise_related <0xFF825390> |
EnableFirmware | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls2_to_register_func <0xFF86AC08> |
EnableMainFirm | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls2_to_register_func <0xFF86AC48> |
ExecuteDL | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls_to_register_func <0xFF821C3C> |
FA_GetAdapterFGInfo | 0 | AJ_RegisterFuncs_for_ceres_subs <0xFF840B80> |
FA_GetAdapterProperty | 0 | AJ_RegisterFuncs_for_ceres_subs <0xFF840B70> |
FA_SetAdapterProperty | 0 | AJ_RegisterFuncs_for_ceres_subs <0xFF840B60> |
GetCamSetProp | 0 | AJ_register_func_LoadsOfEm <0xFF81DBA4> |
NotifyNoiseReduction | 0 | AJ_InitializeSoundDevice <0xFF85B354> |
PrepareDL | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls_to_register_func <0xFF821C2C> |
ReceiveDataForAudioIC | 0 | TH_audio_ic_initialize <0xFF859A18> |
SaveCamSetProp | 0 | AJ_register_func_LoadsOfEm <0xFF81DBC4> |
SaveRasenToFile | 0 | AJ_register_func_LoadsOfEm <0xFF81DC04> |
SaveRingToFile | 0 | AJ_register_func_LoadsOfEm <0xFF81DC18> |
SendDataForAudioIC | 0 | TH_audio_ic_initialize <0xFF859A08> |
SetCamSetProp | 0 | AJ_register_func_LoadsOfEm <0xFF81DBB4> |
SetTuningFlag | 0 | AJ_register_func_LoadsOfEm <0xFF81DB74> |
TftOff | 0 | AJ_register_func_LoadsOfEm <0xFF81DBE4> |
VramToBmp | 0 | AJ_register_func_VramToYuv422B_VramToBmp_DpSetDustReduction_etc <0xFF8C35C8> |
VramToYuv422 | 0 | AJ_register_func_VramToYuv422B_VramToBmp_DpSetDustReduction_etc <0xFF8C35D8> |
VramToYuv422B | 0 | AJ_register_func_VramToYuv422B_VramToBmp_DpSetDustReduction_etc <0xFF8C35EC> |
alvGetPeak | 0 | TH_register_alv_functions <0xFFA6566C> |
alvSetALC | 0 | TH_register_alv_functions <0xFFA65638> |
alvSetVol | 0 | TH_register_alv_functions <0xFFA65648> |
alvSetWind | 0 | TH_register_alv_functions <0xFFA65658> |
alvStart | 0 | TH_register_alv_functions <0xFFA65618> |
alvStop | 0 | TH_register_alv_functions <0xFFA65628> |
ceresCatalog | 0 | AJ_RegisterFuncs_for_ceres_subs <0xFF840B10> |
ceresDump | 0 | AJ_RegisterFuncs_for_ceres_subs <0xFF840AF0> |
ceresMount | 0 | AJ_RegisterFuncs_for_ceres_subs <0xFF840B20> |
ceresTcpipTest | 0 | AJ_RegisterFuncs_for_ceres_subs <0xFF840B90> |
ceresTest | 0 | AJ_RegisterFuncs_for_ceres_subs <0xFF840B00> |
ceresUnmount | 0 | AJ_RegisterFuncs_for_ceres_subs <0xFF840B30> |
ceresUpdate | 0 | AJ_RegisterFuncs_for_ceres_subs <0xFF840B40> |
ceresWizard | 0 | AJ_RegisterFuncs_for_ceres_subs <0xFF840B50> |
ceresWpsCancel | 0 | AJ_RegisterFuncs_for_ceres_subs <0xFF840C14> |
ceresWpsPbcSelect | 0 | AJ_RegisterFuncs_for_ceres_subs <0xFF840BA0> |
ceresWpsPbcStart | 0 | AJ_RegisterFuncs_for_ceres_subs <0xFF840BB0> |
ceresWpsPinCodeAp | 0 | AJ_RegisterFuncs_for_ceres_subs <0xFF840BE0> |
ceresWpsPinCodeSet | 0 | AJ_RegisterFuncs_for_ceres_subs <0xFF840BF0> |
ceresWpsPinCodeWft | 0 | AJ_RegisterFuncs_for_ceres_subs <0xFF840BD0> |
ceresWpsPinSelect | 0 | AJ_RegisterFuncs_for_ceres_subs <0xFF840BC0> |
ceresWpsPinStart | 0 | AJ_RegisterFuncs_for_ceres_subs <0xFF840C00> |
checksum | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls3_to_register_func <0xFF874310> |
d | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls3_to_register_func <0xFF8742C0> |
dl_C | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls_to_register_func <0xFF821D0C> |
dl_K | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls_to_register_func <0xFF821CFC> |
dl_fconv | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls_to_register_func <0xFF821D20> |
dl_flong1 | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls_to_register_func <0xFF821C6C> |
dl_flong2 | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls_to_register_func <0xFF821CBC> |
dl_fstr1 | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls_to_register_func <0xFF821C5C> |
dl_fstr2 | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls_to_register_func <0xFF821CAC> |
dl_print | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls_to_register_func <0xFF821C4C> |
dl_swe_count1 | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls_to_register_func <0xFF821C7C> |
dl_swe_count2 | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls_to_register_func <0xFF821CCC> |
dl_swe_int1 | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls_to_register_func <0xFF821C9C> |
dl_swe_stp1 | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls_to_register_func <0xFF821C8C> |
dl_swe_stp2 | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls_to_register_func <0xFF821CDC> |
dl_temp | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls_to_register_func <0xFF821CEC> |
dmhistory | 0 | AJ_loads_of_RegisterFunc_calls <0xFF86B9C4> |
dmprint | 0 | AJ_loads_of_RegisterFunc_calls <0xFF86B994> |
dmstart | 0 | AJ_loads_of_RegisterFunc_calls <0xFF86B914> |
dmstop | 0 | AJ_loads_of_RegisterFunc_calls <0xFF86B924> |
dmstore | 0 | AJ_loads_of_RegisterFunc_calls <0xFF86B9A4> |
dump | 0 | AJ_loads_of_RegisterFunc_calls <0xFF86B934> |
dumpentire | 0 | AJ_loads_of_RegisterFunc_calls <0xFF86B9D4> |
dumpentiresep | 0 | AJ_loads_of_RegisterFunc_calls <0xFF86BA48> |
dumpf | 0 | AJ_loads_of_RegisterFunc_calls <0xFF86B944> |
dumpfsep | 0 | AJ_loads_of_RegisterFunc_calls <0xFF86B9F4> |
dumpsep | 0 | AJ_loads_of_RegisterFunc_calls <0xFF86B9E4> |
fcDump | 0 | AJ_register_fcDump <0xFF857BB0> |
fcacheClear | 0 | AJ_register_FileCache_Dump_n_Clear <0xFF829A34> |
fcacheDump | 0 | AJ_register_FileCache_Dump_n_Clear <0xFF829A20> |
filewrite | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls3_to_register_func <0xFF874340> |
flasherase | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls3_to_register_func <0xFF874320> |
flashwrite | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls3_to_register_func <0xFF874330> |
fmDump | 0 | AJ_register_fmDump <0xFF84939C> |
gang | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls3_to_register_func <0xFF874300> |
gpioread | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls3_to_register_func <0xFF874360> |
gpiowrite | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls3_to_register_func <0xFF874350> |
grep | 0 | AJ_loads_of_RegisterFunc_calls <0xFF86B954> |
grepsep | 0 | AJ_loads_of_RegisterFunc_calls <0xFF86BA04> |
harbint | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls3_to_register_func <0xFF874370> |
i | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls3_to_register_func <0xFF8742E0> |
ipcBulkIn | 0 | AJ_register_func_ipc_related <0xFFB3C368> |
ipcBulkOut | 0 | AJ_register_func_ipc_related <0xFFB3C358> |
ipcControl | 0 | AJ_register_func_ipc_related <0xFFB3C348> |
ipcDirect | 0 | AJ_register_func_ipc_related <0xFFB3C338> |
ipcTest | 0 | AJ_register_func_ipc_related <0xFFB3C37C> |
ipcmBase | 0 | AJ_register_func_ipc_related <0xFFB3C2F8> |
ipcmDump | 0 | AJ_register_func_ipc_related <0xFFB3C308> |
ipcsBase | 0 | AJ_register_func_ipc_related <0xFFB3C318> |
ipcsDump | 0 | AJ_register_func_ipc_related <0xFFB3C328> |
k241printdongle | 0 | AJ_register_funcs_for_k241_printsystem <0xFF93D9A4> |
k241printftp | 0 | AJ_register_funcs_for_k241_printsystem <0xFF93D924> |
k241printimagetrans | 0 | AJ_register_funcs_for_k241_printsystem <0xFF93D9C4> |
k241printlock | 0 | AJ_register_funcs_for_k241_printsystem <0xFF93D9E4> |
k241printsystem | 0 | AJ_register_funcs_for_k241_printsystem <0xFF93D8E4> |
k241printtcpip | 0 | AJ_register_funcs_for_k241_printsystem <0xFF93D904> |
k241printtransmission | 0 | AJ_register_funcs_for_k241_printsystem <0xFF93D984> |
k241printwired | 0 | AJ_register_funcs_for_k241_printsystem <0xFF93D964> |
k241printwireless | 0 | AJ_register_funcs_for_k241_printsystem <0xFF93D944> |
k241setdongle | 0 | AJ_register_funcs_for_k241_printsystem <0xFF93D9B4> |
k241setftp | 0 | AJ_register_funcs_for_k241_printsystem <0xFF93D934> |
k241setimagetrans | 0 | AJ_register_funcs_for_k241_printsystem <0xFF93D9D4> |
k241setlock | 0 | AJ_register_funcs_for_k241_printsystem <0xFF93D9F4> |
k241setsystem | 0 | AJ_register_funcs_for_k241_printsystem <0xFF93D8F4> |
k241settcpip | 0 | AJ_register_funcs_for_k241_printsystem <0xFF93D914> |
k241settransmission | 0 | AJ_register_funcs_for_k241_printsystem <0xFF93D994> |
k241setwired | 0 | AJ_register_funcs_for_k241_printsystem <0xFF93D974> |
k241setwireless | 0 | AJ_register_funcs_for_k241_printsystem <0xFF93D954> |
logstat | 0 | AJ_loads_of_RegisterFunc_calls <0xFF86B9B4> |
macdispinf | 0 | AJ_MAC_Initialize_n_KeyBoardBody <0xFF983D20> |
macsetkeyid | 0 | AJ_MAC_Initialize_n_KeyBoardBody <0xFF983D30> |
mdset | 0 | AJ_LVC_MD_task_setup <0xFF838900> |
mdtf | 0 | AJ_LVC_MD_task_setup <0xFF838910> |
memMap | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls3_to_register_func <0xFF874380> |
memShow | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls3_to_register_func <0xFF8742D0> |
movieCancel | 0 | AJ_register_func_movieCancel_movieVolSet_movieSpeedSet_moviePlaySet <0xFF849F94> |
moviePlaySet | 0 | AJ_register_func_movieCancel_movieVolSet_movieSpeedSet_moviePlaySet <0xFF849FC8> |
movieSpeedSet | 0 | AJ_register_func_movieCancel_movieVolSet_movieSpeedSet_moviePlaySet <0xFF849FB4> |
movieVolSet | 0 | AJ_register_func_movieCancel_movieVolSet_movieSpeedSet_moviePlaySet <0xFF849FA4> |
objInfo | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls3_to_register_func <0xFF874390> |
olddump | 0 | AJ_loads_of_RegisterFunc_calls <0xFF86B964> |
olddumpf | 0 | AJ_loads_of_RegisterFunc_calls <0xFF86B974> |
olddumpfsep | 0 | AJ_loads_of_RegisterFunc_calls <0xFF86BA24> |
olddumpsep | 0 | AJ_loads_of_RegisterFunc_calls <0xFF86BA14> |
oldgrep | 0 | AJ_loads_of_RegisterFunc_calls <0xFF86B984> |
oldgrepsep | 0 | AJ_loads_of_RegisterFunc_calls <0xFF86BA34> |
rmtRelease | 0 | AJ_register_func_rmtRelease_rmtSaveToPC_AdaptFGTest <0xFF827350> |
rmtSaveToPC | 0 | AJ_register_func_rmtRelease_rmtSaveToPC_AdaptFGTest <0xFF827360> |
selfRefresh | 0 | AJ_RegisterFuncs_waitForInt_n_selfRefresh <0xFF9B5A64> |
send_mpu | 0 | AJ_register_func_LoadsOfEm <0xFF81DBD4> |
sht_fc | 0 | AJ_register_func_sht_related <0xFF9BD9C4> |
sht_fixflag | 0 | AJ_register_func_sht_related <0xFF9BD904> |
sht_fixregsave | 0 | AJ_register_func_sht_related <0xFF9BD8C4> |
sht_fo | 0 | AJ_register_func_sht_related <0xFF9BD9D8> |
sht_mem1develop | 0 | AJ_register_func_sht_related <0xFF9BD994> |
sht_mem1read | 0 | AJ_register_func_sht_related <0xFF9BD914> |
sht_memoryread | 0 | AJ_register_func_sht_related <0xFF9BD924> |
sht_memorywrite | 0 | AJ_register_func_sht_related <0xFF9BD934> |
sht_mirror | 0 | AJ_register_func_sht_related <0xFF9BD974> |
sht_mon | 0 | AJ_register_func_sht_related <0xFF9BD944> |
sht_mon2 | 0 | AJ_register_func_sht_related <0xFF9BD954> |
sht_mon3 | 0 | AJ_register_func_sht_related <0xFF9BD964> |
sht_propread | 0 | AJ_register_func_sht_related <0xFF9BD894> |
sht_propshow | 0 | AJ_register_func_sht_related <0xFF9BD8B4> |
sht_propwrite | 0 | AJ_register_func_sht_related <0xFF9BD8A4> |
sht_regread | 0 | AJ_register_func_sht_related <0xFF9BD8E4> |
sht_regwrite | 0 | AJ_register_func_sht_related <0xFF9BD8F4> |
sht_spsresume | 0 | AJ_register_func_sht_related <0xFF9BD9B4> |
sht_spssuspend | 0 | AJ_register_func_sht_related <0xFF9BD9A4> |
sht_tuneregsave | 0 | AJ_register_func_sht_related <0xFF9BD8D4> |
sht_write | 0 | AJ_register_func_sht_related <0xFF9BD984> |
sio_logon | 0 | AJ_register_func_sio_logon <0xFFA35954> |
sysConfig | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls3_to_register_func <0xFF8743A4> |
taskShow | 0 | AJ_loads_of_calls3_to_register_func <0xFF8742F0> |
tg_apoweron | 0 | AJ_loads.of_AJ_SearchFromProperty_DataType_n_couple.of_register_func_tg_related <0xFFA363F8> |
tg_tgstart | 0 | AJ_loads.of_AJ_SearchFromProperty_DataType_n_couple.of_register_func_tg_related <0xFFA36408> |
tomCancel | 0 | AJ_register_Tom_functions <0xFF8444F8> |
tomChange | 0 | AJ_register_Tom_functions <0xFF844508> |
tomDump | 0 | AJ_register_Tom_functions <0xFF84453C> |
tomGet | 0 | AJ_register_Tom_functions <0xFF8444C8> |
tomGetNum | 0 | AJ_register_Tom_functions <0xFF844518> |
tomSelect | 0 | AJ_register_Tom_functions <0xFF8444E8> |
tomSet | 0 | AJ_register_Tom_functions <0xFF8444B8> |
tomStart | 0 | AJ_register_Tom_functions <0xFF8444D8> |
update | 0 | AJ_register_func_LoadsOfEm <0xFF81DB84> |
usvMaker | 0 | AJ_register_func_LoadsOfEm <0xFF81DBF4> |
waitForInt | 0 | AJ_RegisterFuncs_waitForInt_n_selfRefresh <0xFF9B5A4C> |
@ | 0 | AJ_register_Tom_functions <0xFF844528> |