General Notes[]
Findings by: Coutts
There are 2 functions of interest, dm_set_store_level and dm_set_print_level. Stubs can be found here (from 500d):
0xFF066DE4 - dm_set_store_level 0xFF066D7C - dm_set_print_level
Different debug messages in the firmware are posted with different classes. The class is arg0 to the debug message. This class determines what shows up for a name in the log, i.e.: [GUI], [STARTUP], [MAGIC], etc. The second argument to a debug message is the print level. Refer to the section below for understanding the level system implemented by canon.
Usage (after finding stub):
dm_set_store_level( [class_id], [store_level] );
This function behaves identical to dm_set_store_level, so all of the classes above will apply. I do not yet understand just what the print level affects, but I do know that setting a lower store_level seems to produce larger debug log files. To use this, just refer to dm_set_store_level above.
Debug Classes[]
class_id can be any number between 1 and 255. I have mapped out all of the known values below. Any missing ones didn't print in my test for some reason, it could just be the 500d - would be nice if someone can confirm these classes on another camera.
Class Name |
ID # (decimal) |
[PRP] |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
[LVAF] |
7 |
8 |
[LVAE] |
9 |
[LVFD] |
10 |
[LVMD] |
11 |
12 |
[LVWB] |
13 |
[DP] |
14 |
[MAC] |
15 |
[CRP] |
16 |
[UPDC] |
17 |
[SYS] |
18 |
[RD] |
19 |
20 |
[ENG] |
21 |
[ENGP] |
22 |
[FAC] |
23 |
[IMP] |
24 |
[IMPD] |
25 |
[IMPP] |
26 |
27 |
[COL] |
28 |
[WB] |
29 |
30 |
[FSYS] |
31 |
[FIO] |
32 |
[FSU] |
33 |
[CF] |
34 |
[SD] |
35 |
[FM] |
36 |
[MRK] |
37 |
[MPTP] |
38 |
[FC] |
39 |
[WAV] |
40 |
[FJOB] |
41 |
[FR] |
42 |
[FW] |
43 |
[MP] |
44 |
[MP_MOV] |
45 |
[MP_AVI] |
46 |
[MR] |
47 |
[MR_MOV] |
48 |
[USB] |
49 |
50 |
[PTP] |
51 |
[MTP] |
52 |
[RTOM] |
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 |
57 |
[TOM] |
58 |
[TOM_C] |
59 |
[TOM_F] |
60 |
61 |
[IPC] |
62 |
[IPCT] |
63 |
[RPC] |
64 |
[RSC] |
128 |
129 |
[DISP] |
130 |
[GUI] |
131 |
[GUI_M] |
132 |
[GUI_E] |
133 |
[UPD] |
134 |
135 |
[HDMI] |
136 |
[BIND] |
137 |
[HPD] |
138 |
139 |
[TERM] |
140 |
[EM] |
141 |
142 |
[JOB] |
143 |
[FA] |
144 |
[CAPD] |
145 |
[CAPE] |
146 |
[SHTC] |
147 |
[SHTB] |
148 |
[SHTP] |
149 |
150 |
151 |
[LV] |
152 |
[LVP] |
153 |
[LVA] |
154 |
155 |
[MC] |
156 |
[FCS] |
157 |
[FSS] |
158 |
[RMT] |
159 |
[MS] |
160 |
[SS] |
161 |
[CF] |
162 |
[SD] |
163 |
[FM] |
164 |
[MRK] |
165 |
[MPTP] |
166 |
[FC] |
167 |
[WAV] |
168 |
[FJOB] |
169 |
[FR] |
170 |
[FW] |
171 |
[MP] |
172 |
[MP_MOV] |
173 |
[MP_AVI] |
174 |
[MR] |
175 |
[MR_MOV] |
176 |
[USB] |
177 |
178 |
[PTP] |
179 |
[MTP] |
180 |
[RTOM] |
181 |
182 |
183 |
184 |
185 |
[TOM] |
186 |
[TOM_C] |
187 |
[TOM_F] |
188 |
189 |
[IPC] |
190 |
[IPCT] |
191 |
[RPC] |
192 |
Store Levels[]
There are 15 levels, 1-15. Basic rule of thumb: higher number will hide debug messages and a lower one will show them. Think of the store level as a value-floor (limiter) for what messages will be printed. Any debug message with a level lower than what's currently set by dm_set_store_level for a specific class, won't be printed in the log. Let's take this for an example:
DryosDebugMsg( 0x83, 0x3, "This is a [GUI] debug message");
The default store level seems to be 3, so this message will print. Say I want to hide this message (or any [GUI] messages with a store level of 3 for that matter). Simple, just call dm_set_store_level:
dm_set_store_level( 0x83, 0x4);
Since the store level for this class (0x83 - [GUI]) is now higher than what's being passed in the debug messages, no debug message will be stored in the log for this class. The reason that everybody thought a store level of 7 was a magic number for turning off debug messages is because 7 is a higher level than almost all debug messages in the dump, so it works well for turning off messages.
DbgMgr Struct in memory[]
I have found some kind of structure in memory for each debug class which contains the actual values for dm_store_level and dm_print_level. Each class has it's own spot in this (array of structures?) area of memory. The store levels are stored as bytes, so don't forget to take this into account when looking at ram dumps ;)
- off_0x14 holds the dm_store_level
- off_0x15 holds the dm_print_level
CLASS | id # | BASE ADDR | dm_store level - off_0x14 | dm_print level - off_0x15 |
[PRP] | 1 | 301E57 | 301E6B | 301E6C |
[PROPAD] | 2 | 301E5A | 301E6E | 301E6F |
[INTCOM] | 3 | 301E5D | 301E71 | 301E72 |
[WINSYS] | 4 | 301E60 | 301E74 | 301E75 |
[CTRLSRV] | 5 | 301E63 | 301E77 | 301E78 |
[LVCAF] | 6 | 301E66 | 301E7A | 301E7B |
[LVAF] | 7 | 301E69 | 301E7D | 301E7E |
[LVCAE] | 8 | 301E6C | 301E80 | 301E81 |
[LVAE] | 9 | 301E6F | 301E83 | 301E84 |
[LVFD] | 10 | 301E72 | 301E86 | 301E87 |
[LVMD] | 11 | 301E75 | 301E89 | 301E8A |
[LVCLR] | 12 | 301E78 | 301E8C | 301E8D |
[LVWB] | 13 | 301E7B | 301E8F | 301E90 |
[DP] | 14 | 301E7E | 301E92 | 301E93 |
[MAC] | 15 | 301E81 | 301E95 | 301E96 |
[CRP] | 16 | 301E84 | 301E98 | 301E99 |
[UPDC] | 17 | 301E87 | 301E9B | 301E9C |
[SYS] | 18 | 301E8A | 301E9E | 301E9F |
[RD] | 19 | 301E8D | 301EA1 | 301EA2 |
[AUDIO] | 20 | 301E90 | 301EA4 | 301EA5 |
[ENG] | 21 | 301E93 | 301EA7 | 301EA8 |
[ENGP] | 22 | 301E96 | 301EAA | 301EAB |
[FAC] | 23 | 301E99 | 301EAD | 301EAE |
[IMP] | 24 | 301E9C | 301EB0 | 301EB1 |
[IMPD] | 25 | 301E9F | 301EB3 | 301EB4 |
[IMPP] | 26 | 301EA2 | 301EB6 | 301EB7 |
[REDEV] | 27 | 301EA5 | 301EB9 | 301EBA |
[COL] | 28 | 301EA8 | 301EBC | 301EBD |
[WB] | 29 | 301EAB | 301EBF | 301EC0 |
[CSMGR] | 30 | 301EAE | 301EC2 | 301EC3 |
[FSYS] | 31 | 301EB1 | 301EC5 | 301EC6 |
[FIO] | 32 | 301EB4 | 301EC8 | 301EC9 |
[FSU] | 33 | 301EB7 | 301ECB | 301ECC |
[CF] | 34 | 301EBA | 301ECE | 301ECF |
[SD] | 35 | 301EBD | 301ED1 | 301ED2 |
[FM] | 36 | 301EC0 | 301ED4 | 301ED5 |
[MRK] | 37 | 301EC3 | 301ED7 | 301ED8 |
[MPTP] | 38 | 301EC6 | 301EDA | 301EDB |
[FC] | 39 | 301EC9 | 301EDD | 301EDE |
[WAV] | 40 | 301ECC | 301EE0 | 301EE1 |
[FJOB] | 41 | 301ECF | 301EE3 | 301EE4 |
[FR] | 42 | 301ED2 | 301EE6 | 301EE7 |
[FW] | 43 | 301ED5 | 301EE9 | 301EEA |
[MP] | 44 | 301ED8 | 301EEC | 301EED |
[MP_MOV] | 45 | 301EDB | 301EEF | 301EF0 |
[MP_AVI] | 46 | 301EDE | 301EF2 | 301EF3 |
[MR] | 47 | 301EE1 | 301EF5 | 301EF6 |
[MR_MOV] | 48 | 301EE4 | 301EF8 | 301EF9 |
[USB] | 49 | 301EE7 | 301EFB | 301EFC |
[PTPCOM] | 50 | 301EEA | 301EFE | 301EFF |
[PTP] | 51 | 301EED | 301F01 | 301F02 |
[MTP] | 52 | 301EF0 | 301F04 | 301F05 |
[RTOM] | 53 | 301EF3 | 301F07 | 301F08 |
[CERES] | 54 | 301EF6 | 301F0A | 301F0B |
[SDCOM] | 55 | 301EF9 | 301F0D | 301F0E |
[SDIODRV] | 56 | 301EFC | 301F10 | 301F11 |
[SDIOTSK] | 57 | 301EFF | 301F13 | 301F14 |
[TOM] | 58 | 301F02 | 301F16 | 301F17 |
[TOM_C] | 59 | 301F05 | 301F19 | 301F1A |
[TOM_F] | 60 | 301F08 | 301F1C | 301F1D |
[LVCDEV] | 61 | 301F0B | 301F1F | 301F20 |
[IPC] | 62 | 301F0E | 301F22 | 301F23 |
[IPCT] | 63 | 301F11 | 301F25 | 301F26 |
[RPC] | 64 | 301F14 | 301F28 | 301F29 |
[RSC] | 128 | 301FD4 | 301FE8 | 301FE9 |
[PROPST] | 129 | 301FD7 | 301FEB | 301FEC |
[DISP] | 130 | 301FDA | 301FEE | 301FEF |
[GUI] | 131 | 301FDD | 301FF1 | 301FF2 |
[GUI_M] | 132 | 301FE0 | 301FF4 | 301FF5 |
[GUI_E] | 133 | 301FE3 | 301FF7 | 301FF8 |
[UPD] | 134 | 301FE6 | 301FFA | 301FFB |
[DEVICE] | 135 | 301FE9 | 301FFD | 301FFE |
[HDMI] | 136 | 301FEC | 302000 | 302001 |
[BIND] | 137 | 301FEF | 302003 | 302004 |
[HPD] | 138 | 301FF2 | 302006 | 302007 |
[STARTUP] | 139 | 301FF5 | 302009 | 30200A |
[TERM] | 140 | 301FF8 | 30200C | 30200D |
[EM] | 141 | 301FFB | 30200F | 302010 |
[FCACHE] | 142 | 301FFE | 302012 | 302013 |
[JOB] | 143 | 302001 | 302015 | 302016 |
[FA] | 144 | 302004 | 302018 | 302019 |
[CAPD] | 145 | 302007 | 30201B | 30201C |
[CAPE] | 146 | 30200A | 30201E | 30201F |
[SHTC] | 147 | 30200D | 302021 | 302022 |
[SHTB] | 148 | 302010 | 302024 | 302025 |
[SHTP] | 149 | 302013 | 302027 | 302028 |
[SHTFD] | 150 | 302016 | 30202A | 30202B |
[SHTRD] | 151 | 302019 | 30202D | 30202E |
[LV] | 152 | 30201C | 302030 | 302031 |
[LVP] | 153 | 30201F | 302033 | 302034 |
[LVA] | 154 | 302022 | 302036 | 302037 |
[LVCFG] | 155 | 302025 | 302039 | 30203A |
[MC] | 156 | 302028 | 30203C | 30203D |
[FCS] | 157 | 30202B | 30203F | 302040 |
[FSS] | 158 | 30202E | 302042 | 302043 |
[RMT] | 159 | 302031 | 302045 | 302046 |
[MS] | 160 | 302034 | 302048 | 302049 |
[SS] | 161 | 302037 | 30204B | 30204C |
[CF] | 162 | 30203A | 30204E | 30204F |
[SD] | 163 | 30203D | 302051 | 302052 |
[FM] | 164 | 302040 | 302054 | 302055 |
[MRK] | 165 | 302043 | 302057 | 302058 |
[MPTP] | 166 | 302046 | 30205A | 30205B |
[FC] | 167 | 302049 | 30205D | 30205E |
[WAV] | 168 | 30204C | 302060 | 302061 |
[FJOB] | 169 | 30204F | 302063 | 302064 |
[FR] | 170 | 302052 | 302066 | 302067 |
[FW] | 171 | 302055 | 302069 | 30206A |
[MP] | 172 | 302058 | 30206C | 30206D |
[MP_MOV] | 173 | 30205B | 30206F | 302070 |
[MP_AVI] | 174 | 30205E | 302072 | 302073 |
[MR] | 175 | 302061 | 302075 | 302076 |
[MR_MOV] | 176 | 302064 | 302078 | 302079 |
[USB] | 177 | 302067 | 30207B | 30207C |
[PTPCOM] | 178 | 30206A | 30207E | 30207F |
[PTP] | 179 | 30206D | 302081 | 302082 |
[MTP] | 180 | 302070 | 302084 | 302085 |
[RTOM] | 181 | 302073 | 302087 | 302088 |
[CERES] | 182 | 302076 | 30208A | 30208B |
[SDCOM] | 183 | 302079 | 30208D | 30208E |
[SDIODRV] | 184 | 30207C | 302090 | 302091 |
[SDIOTSK] | 185 | 30207F | 302093 | 302094 |
[TOM] | 186 | 302082 | 302096 | 302097 |
[TOM_C] | 187 | 302085 | 302099 | 30209A |
[TOM_F] | 188 | 302088 | 30209C | 30209D |
[LVCDEV] | 189 | 30208B | 30209F | 3020A0 |
[IPC] | 190 | 30208E | 3020A2 | 3020A3 |
[IPCT] | 191 | 302091 | 3020A5 | 3020A6 |
[RPC] | 192 | 302094 | 3020A8 | 3020A9 |
Find VRAM addresses[]
by Coutts in 500D[]
Keep in mind that the known HD buffers in the 500d are at 0x46000080 and 0x48000080 8026: 26858.706 [LVCFG] [LVREC] Free Yuv 46000064 8027: 26858.763 [RSC] SRM_FreeMemoryResourceForLiveViewYuv 0x46000064 8028: 26858.827 [LVCFG] [LVREC] Free Yuv 48000064 8029: 26858.869 [RSC] SRM_FreeMemoryResourceForLiveViewYuv 0x48000064 8033: 26859.363 [RSC] this->dwLVYUV 1 8035: 26860.124 [RSC] this->dwLVYUV 0 8345: 29739.697 [LVCFG] [LVREC] AllocMemYuv1 Addr:48000064-48000080 8354: 29770.936 [LVCFG] YuvAddress = 0x48000064 -> 0x48000080 8357: 29771.190 [LVCFG] [LVREC] AllocMemYuv2 Addr:48000064-48000080 8359: 29771.584 [LVCFG] YuvAddress = 0x46000064 -> 0x46000080 8833: 31321.728 [LVCFG] [LVREC] Free Yuv 48000064 8834: 31321.789 [RSC] SRM_FreeMemoryResourceForLiveViewYuv 0x48000064 8835: 31321.856 [LVCFG] [LVREC] Free Yuv 46000064 8836: 31321.895 [RSC] SRM_FreeMemoryResourceForLiveViewYuv 0x46000064 8840: 31322.412 [RSC] this->dwLVYUV 1 8842: 31323.147 [RSC] this->dwLVYUV 0 in another log, after doing some video recording. These messages are in play mode watching a clip. 9469: 33747.617 [MP] StartResizeMotionJpeg(0, 0x43738800) 9478: 33754.900 [MP] DeleteVram[0](0x43738800) 9551: 34761.695 [MP] MVP_GetRecWorkBuffSize(0x91920c70) 9554: 34762.679 [MP] MVP_GetPlayWorkBuffSize(0x91920c70) 9555: 34762.717 [MP] MVP_GetPlayWorkBuffSize : Decode Size(1884160 x 2) 9559: 34763.407 [MP] MVP_GetStreamBuffSize(0x91920c70) 9562: 34799.175 [MP] MVP_OpenMoviePlay(0x91920c70) 9563: 34799.231 [MP] MVP_OpenMoviePlay : Decode Size[1884160](1280,720) 9564: 34799.270 [MP] MVP_OpenMoviePlay : DecBuff[0x48000064,0x481cc064] 9565: 34799.296 [MP] VramAddress[0]=0x41b07800 9566: 34799.318 [MP] VramAddress[1]=0x43738800 9567: 34799.341 [MP] VramAddress[2]=0x43b48800 9568: 34799.364 [MP_MOV] OpenMovReadFile(B:/DCIM/100CANON/MVI_8391.MOV) 9569: 34799.454 [MP_MOV] ReadMovHeader 9570: 34801.619 [MP_MOV] ReadMovHeader : AtomType(ftyp) 9571: 34802.810 [MP] mvpGetVramNum : ImageAddress[0x43738800] 9572: 34802.835 [MP] mvpGetVramNum : VramNum=1 9669: 35372.854 [MP] mvpGetVramNum : ImageAddress[0x43738800] 9670: 35372.873 [MP] mvpGetVramNum : VramNum=1 9671: 35372.922 [MP] CreateVram[2](0x43b48800,720,720,480) 9673: 35376.228 [MP] CreateVram[0](0x41b07800,720,720,480) 9888: 36088.830 [MP] -- STATE_PLAYING_PLAY -- 9895: 36095.442 [MP] mvpResizeCompleteCallback 9896: 36095.516 [MP] mvpResizeCompleteCallback 9904: 36102.261 [MP] mvpDecodeCompleteCallback 9912: 36118.581 [MP] PlayMovie :rd(3),dec(2),res(1),resC(1),dspC(0) 9913: 36118.609 [MP] PlayMovie : (0,1,0,0) 9914: 36118.664 [MP] PlayMovie : SetRectColorParameter(0x43738800,720,720,480) 9917: 36121.852 [MP] ChangeVramCallBack 9918: 36121.869 [MP] ChangeVramCallBackExec 9920: 36122.328 [MP] ChangeNextUpdateVram[0](0x41b07800) 9921: 36122.386 [MP] StartResizeMotionJpeg(1, 0x43738800) all 3 of the 500d's identified LV vram buffers are there, again this could be useful for new cameras. :)
See VRAM/500D
On 550D/1.0.9[]
dm_set_store_level( DM_DISP, 7 );
20741: 3027.786 [DISP] SetImageVramParameter pAddress=40d07800 pFlipCBR=0 20742: 3027.840 [DISP] SetImageOverrideParameter ClassID=152, Override=-1 20743: 3027.983 [DISP] EnableImagePhysicalScreenParameter pCBR=ff0350f8 20744: 3028.117 [LVCDEV] ->lvcdevStartDev 20745: 3029.292 [ENG] LockEng [0xac41c0][LVC_DEV] 20746: 3029.857 [ENG] LockEng [0x8bd1d8][LVC_FACE] 20747: 3033.701 [DISP] VdInterruptHandler bmp=0 img=ff0350f8 20748: 3035.308 [ENG] UnLockEng [0xac41c0][LVC_DEV] 20749: 3053.523 [ENG] UnLockEng [0x8bd1d8][LVC_FACE] 20752: 3060.867 [LVP] GetJpegEncodePass Zoom:0 R:0 V:1 M:0 20753: 3061.300 [DISP] SetImageVramParameter pAddress=4c233800 pFlipCBR=0 20754: 3061.356 [DISP] SetImageOverrideParameter ClassID=152, Override=-1 20755: 3061.489 [DISP] EnableImagePhysicalScreenParameter pCBR=ff0350f8 20756: 3061.631 [LVCDEV] ->lvcdevStartDev 20757: 3062.833 [ENG] LockEng [0xac41c0][LVC_DEV] 20758: 3067.071 [DISP] VdInterruptHandler bmp=0 img=ff0350f8 20759: 3068.845 [ENG] UnLockEng [0xac41c0][LVC_DEV] 20760: 3094.476 [LVP] GetJpegEncodePass Zoom:0 R:0 V:1 M:0 20761: 3094.921 [DISP] SetImageVramParameter pAddress=4f11d800 pFlipCBR=0 20762: 3094.976 [DISP] SetImageOverrideParameter ClassID=152, Override=-1 20763: 3095.099 [DISP] EnableImagePhysicalScreenParameter pCBR=ff0350f8
This code:
int (*GetVramInformation)(uint8_t *v1, uint8_t *v2, uint8_t *v3, uint8_t *v4, uint8_t *v5, uint8_t *v6, uint8_t *v7 ) = (void*)0xFF28E894; GetVramInformation(&v1, &v2, &v3, &v4, &v5, &v6, &v7); bmp_printf( FONT_SMALL, x, y+20, "GetVramInformation v1=%x v2=%x v3=%x v4=%x v5=%x v6=%x v7=%x", v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7 ); DebugMsg( DM_MAGIC, 3, "GetVramInformation v1=%x v2=%x v3=%x v4=%x v5=%x v6=%x v7=%x", v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7 );
v1=0x40d078000, v2=2, v3=0x4c233800, v4=0, v5=720, v6=720, v7=480
which Class_ID to use ?[]
To know which class_id to use, look R0, the first arg of DebugMsg
ROM:FF012248 ADR R2, aStartupentry ; "startupEntry" ROM:FF01224C MOV R1, #5 ROM:FF012250 MOV R0, #0x8B ;139 ROM:FF012254 BL DebugMsg
the related log entry is
7: 13.020 [STARTUP] startupEntry
so use
dm_set_store_level( 139, level);
in your code to debug STARTUP things...