Parent1 :
Parent2 :
What follows is a breakdown of the of the 'TOPLEVEL' functions (ie one where there are no xrefs)
This routine is located at 0xFF8147B0 in 2.0.4 and initialises everything used for 'LiveView' activity.
AJ_startupPrepareDevelop_n_SDS_initialise() | Description |
AJ_create_task_Rscmgr ; |
TH_prop_request_change | |
AJ_Multicast_PropertyMgr | |
AJ_0x1C44_related | |
AJ_struct_0x1C48_n_stageClass_malloc_free | |
AJ_PreDevelop.c_assert_n_StageEvent | |
AJ_FrontDevelop |
AJ_RearDevelop ; |
AJ_GUI_Lock_InitializeGUILock_CreateMessageQueue_n_CreateTask ; |
AJ_calls_sub_SoudDevSet_HDMI |
AJ_JumpTable_n_binarySemaPhore_0x1960 ; |
TH_audio_ic_initialize ; |
TH_asif_initialize ; |
AJ_InitializeSoundDevice ; |
AJ_MOVW_Initialize() | Malloc and Init the Movie Writer structure |
AJ_MVR_Initialize() | Malloc and Init the Movie Recorder structure |
AJ_AE_LiveViewAE.c ; |
AJ_TryPostEvent ; |
AJ_LV_struct_related_n_create_class ; |
AJ_mdset_mdtf_n_Initialize ; |
AJ_LVC_FACE_n_DmacCB_struct ; |
AJ_LiveView_Initialise() | Malloc and Init the LiveView Structure |
AJ_startupPrepareRemote ; |
AJ_FileMgr |