Magic Lantern Firmware Wiki

Top page: 2.0.4 AJ

Related Page: 2.0.4 Zoom

| AJ_LiveView_main()                                                                             | Ref aAJ_0xFFC79630_LV_VarSubList
|                                                                                                | Called by AJ_LiveView_StartInSuspend()
| This routine, is part of the "LVstate" subs that form the LiveView state machine.              |
|                                                                                                |
| (+) It has many similarities to   AJ_ChangeVDInterrupt()                                       |
| (+) It selects the 16 DIGIC subs used to set Zoom level                                        |
|                                                                                                |
+---  aAJ_0xFFC79630_LV_VarSubList  ----- LVstate subs used in different LVStates ---------------+
|                                                                                                |
| AJ_LiveView_main(), AJ_LiveView_StartInSuspend(), AJ_ChangeVDInterrupt(), AJ_lvEnd()           |
| AJ_PROP_LV_massive(), AJ_LV_StateMachine(), AJ_lvReturnVramFromDisp(), AJ_lvReturnVramFromPD() |

int R0 = * LiveViewMgr_struct       [size 0x29D8)]
int R1 = ?
int R2 = ?

The LVstate machine calls this routine - and its of of the the main routines the firmware 'lives' in when in LiveView.

It uses:

aAJ_0x44FC_LiveView_struct_0x00_to_0xC8 LV Structure which as LV and LVrec StateObjects in it
LiveViewMgr_struct Huge malloced 0x29D8 structure

