===Your camera needs you #1 (and so do I!)
Would someone like to hack together an IDA script?
What I am looking for is simple script to AUTO name them if there is a comment in the subroutine.
There are about 15,000 unnamed ones ... this will save me a Huge amount of time.
Details below. If you need incentive ... I'll post you a Beer! (or one of the random alcoholic bevages hiding in my drinks cabinet)
'Script 1: Naming of 'sub_' routines' using debug comments Most of the names that I populating are found by looking at the comments in IDA. I find a undefined subroutine name, I scroll down the subroutine, and I used the first string - and use it: ------------------------------------- FF98D7BC sub_FF987DBC ........ FF98D7E8 ADR R2, aH264rapperPout ; "[H264Rapper] pOutputAddress=0x%08X" ------------------------------------- Would become: ------------------------------------- FF98D7BC AUTO_'H264Rapper_pOutputAddress' ........ FF98D7E8 ADR R2, aH264rapperPout ; "[H264Rapper] pOutputAddress=0x%08X" ------------------------------------- If there are No comments in the subroutine - then do nothing.
Thanks :)
#include<idc.idc> /* before ROM:FF41C334 DCD aFa_getfiledata ; "FA_GetFileData" ROM:FF41C338 DCD sub_FF1E2AE8 ROM:FF41C33C DCD aFa_getfilesize ; "FA_GetFileSize" ROM:FF41C340 DCD sub_FF1E2924 ROM:FF41C344 DCD aFa_deletefile ; "FA_DeleteFile" ROM:FF41C348 DCD sub_FF1E2BE0 after ROM:FF41C334 DCD aFa_getfiledata ; "FA_GetFileData" ROM:FF41C338 DCD FA_GetFileData ROM:FF41C33C DCD aFa_getfilesize ; "FA_GetFileSize" ROM:FF41C340 DCD FA_GetFileSize ROM:FF41C344 DCD aFa_deletefile ; "FA_DeleteFile" ROM:FF41C348 DCD FA_DeleteFile */ // static main() { auto start, end, i; start = 0xFF41C12C; end = 0xFF41C348; Message("%x -> %x\n", start, end); for ( i=start; i < end; i=i+8 ) { MakeDword(i); MakeDword(i+4); Message("%x %s\n", Dword(i+4), GetString(Dword(i), -1, ASCSTR_C) ); MakeName(Dword(i+4), GetString(Dword(i), -1, ASCSTR_C)); } }
a first step for your script
[AJ] Thanks for taking a shot at that AI ... maybe I could send you 'shot of something :)