Parent: Related Page: StateObjects
Parent TASK page:
This page is for the Tasks which are are specifically used for Event Dispatching
The Full List of task can be found here
After an Events or StateObject has been created - AJ_Setup_EventDispatch() is called with the subroutine that will be used to Dispatch (ie Process) the Event
AJ_Setup_EventDispatch() - create a Task Specifically for Event Dispatch[]
+--------------------------------------------------+ | AJ_Setup_EventDispatch() located at 0xFF9B8BB8 | +--------------------------------------------------+ int R0 = TaskName [eg "FrontShtDevelop"] int R1 = Priority [eg 17. 0..32 allowed] int R2 = Unknown1 [eg 0, 0x8000 ] int R3 = Unknown2 [25, 100, 1000] STACKx00 = Unknown3 [eg. 100] STACKx04 = dispatch_sub [eg. AJ_scsEventDispatch()]
List of all occurances that AJ_Setup_EventDispatch() is called:
Sub where StateObj created before call to AJ_Setup_EventDispatch |
Routine where AJ_Setup_EventDispatch is called from |
AJ_Setup_EventDispatch R0= taskname |
R1= Priority [ 0..32 allowed] |
R2= Unk1 |
R3= Unk2 |
Stk[00]= Unk3 |
Stk[04]= Dispatch_sub |
Guess_id |
AJ_CreateStateObject_SCS() |
AJ_SCS_Initialize_p2() at 0xFF822848 |
"ShootCapture" |
17 | 0 | 100 | 100 | AJ_scsEventDispatch() |
AJ_calls_NotifyComplete( parm=0x40000
147 |
AJ_CreateStateObject_SCS() |
AJ_SCS_related() at 0xFF822A08 Orphan sub |
"ShootCapture" | =AJ_SCS_related(R1) | 0 | 100 | 100 | AJ_scsEventDispatch() |
AJ_calls_NotifyComplete( AJ_SCS_related(R3) ) |
=AJ_SCS_related(R0) |
AJ_CreateStateObject_SBS() |
AJ_SBS_Initialize() at 0xFF822E4C |
"ShootBlack" | 21 | 0 | 100 | 100 | AJ_sbsEventDispatch() |
AJ_calls_NotifyComplete( 0x80000
148 |
AJ_CreateStateObject_SPS() |
AJ_SPS_Initialize() at 0xFF82313C |
"ShootPreDevelop" | 22 | 0x8000 | 100 | 100 | AJ_spsEventDispatch() | <no CBR called> | 149 |
AJ_CreateStateObject_SDSFront() |
AJ_setup_sdsEventDispatch() at 0xFF8233F8 |
"FrontShtDevelop" | 20 | 0 | 100 | 100 | AJ_sdsEventDispatch() | <no CBR called> | 150 |
AJ_CreateStateObject_SDSRear() |
AJ_setup_RearDevelop_ sdsEventDispatch() at 0xFF8236A0 |
"RearShtDevelop" | 20 | 0 | 100 | 100 |
AJ_RearDevelop_ sdsEventDispatch() |
<no CBR called> | 151 |
AJ_CreateStateObject_FSS() |
AJ_FSS_Initialize() at 0xFF8256EC |
"Fstorage" | 25 | 0 | 300 | 200 | AJ_fssEventDispatch() |
AJ_fssResultCBR() and
158 |
AJ_CreateStateObject_FCS() |
AJ_FCS_Initialize() at 0xFF825C10 |
"Fcreate" | 25 | 0 | 1000 | 1000 | AJ_fcsEventDispatch | <no CBR called> | 157 |
<No StateObject> |
"Remote" | 25 | 0 | 100 | 100 | AJ_rmtEventDispatch() |
AJ_rmt_PROP_n_ChangeAckCBR() |
159 |
AJ_CreateStateObject_PtpDps1_ PtpDps2_PtpDpsMgr() |
"PtpDps" | 25 | 0 | 1000 | 1000 | AJ_pdEventDispatch() | AJ_PD_DeRegistGetObjectCBR() | 64 [Duplicate] |
AJ_CreateStateObject_TOM() |
AJ_TOM_Initialize() at 0xFF843840 |
"TOMgr" | 26 | 0 | 1000 | 1000 | AJ_tomEventDispatch() |
TH_prop_register_slave( AJ_tomChangeAckCBR ) |
65 |
AJ_CreateStateObject_FRState() |
"Fread" | 25 | 0 | 100 | 100 | AJ_frEventDispatch() | <no CBR called> |
Not sure yet. It is the value of [R0,#0xC] when State related subs are called in aAJ_0xFFC7E838_ FMNormalState_ ValSubList |
AJ_CreateStateObject_FWState() |
"Fwrite" | 26 | 0 | 100 | 100 | AJ_FW_EventDispatch() | <no CBR called> |
Not sure yet.
Same as routine to box on right.
AJ_CreateStateObjects_USB() at 0xFF997F24 |
"DiUSB20Drv" | 25 | 0 | 100 | 100 | AJ_USB20StateDispatch() | <no CBR called> | 49 |
AJ_CreateStateObject_PtpSdioEvent() |
AJ_PtpSdioEvent_n_ EventDispatch() at 0xFFA1C638 |
"PtpSdioEvent" | 25 | 0 | 100 | 100 |
AJ_PD_EVENT_ pdSdioEventDispatch() |
<no CBR called> | 64 [Duplicate] |
AJ_CreateStateObject_PtpTrans() |
"PtpTrans" | 25 | 0 | 100 | 100 |
AJ_PD_TRANS_ pdEventDispatch() |
<no CBR called> | 64 [Duplicate] |
AJ_CreateStateObject_PtpEvent() |
"PtpEvent" | 25 | 0 | 100 | 100 |
AJ_PD_EVENT_ pdEventDispatch() |
<no CBR called> | 64 [Duplicate] |
AJ_CreateStateObject_PtpSdioTrans() |
"PtpSdioTrans" | 25 | 0 | 100 | 100 |
AJ_PD_SDIO_ pdEventDispatch |
<no CBR called> | 50 [Duplicate] |
AJ_CreateStateObject_PtpSdioHddTrans() |
"PtpSdioHddTrans" | 25 | 0 | 100 | 100 |
AJ_PD_HDD_ pdEventDispatch |
<no CBR called> | 50 [Duplicate] |